Odilov Baxodir Baxtiyarovich
Head of Marketing and Students Practice

Karamanov Obid Khudaiberdiyevich
Chief specialist

Utekov Bekzod Marat ugli
Chief specialist

Bakhodirova Ezoza Sunnatillo kizi

Ramazonov Ulugbek Homid ugli
Chief specialist

Marketing va talabalar  amaliyot bo‘limi O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi “Ta’lim to‘g‘risida”gi Qonun va O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining iqtisodiyot tarmoqlarini malakali kadrlar bilan ta’minlash borasidagi qaror va farmonlari, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Mehnat Kodeksi, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta‘lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirining buyruqlari hamda boshqa yuqori turuvchi organlarning ta’lim sohasidagi tegishli me’yoriy-huquqiy hujjatlariga asoslanib faoliyat yuritadi.

The goals and tasks of the department are as follows:

  • Forming a database based on the study of the needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations for highly educated personnel being trained at the university;
  • Training of personnel at the university and monitoring of job placement of graduates based on state grants;
  • Systematic analysis and assessment of employment of university graduates;
  • Establishing mutual cooperation and communication with organizations interested in the training of specialist personnel, including studying the opinions of the administration of the enterprise, organization or institution about the quality and potential of the personnel being trained;
  • Coordinating relations with personnel consumers, enabling students to undergo qualification practice abroad in the territories of our republic, as well as in coordination with the Department of International Cooperation;
  • Establishing cooperation relations and signing contracts with enterprises, institutions and organizations on the organization of student internships;
  • Studying advanced foreign and national experiences in organizing student practice and preparing proposals for its implementation, etc.
  •  Conclusion of long-term and annual contracts for providing consumers with competitive specialists;
  • When assigning a graduate to a job, to ensure that the recommendations and suggestions of consumers and specialty departments about the young specialist are taken into account based on the current situation;
  • Conclusion of various contracts with students receiving education or production enterprises on the basis of a payment contract;
  • Applying to the commission of higher education institution to consider the applications received from the young specialists assigned to work by the distribution commission and to accept the solution, in necessary and justified cases, to implement the process of redistribution or self-employment;
  •  Conclusion of long-term and annual contracts for providing consumers with competitive specialists;
  • When assigning a graduate to a job, to ensure that the recommendations and suggestions of consumers and specialty departments about the young specialist are taken into account based on the current situation;
  • Conclusion of various contracts with students receiving education or production enterprises on the basis of a payment contract;
  • Applying to the commission of higher education institution to consider the applications received from the young specialists assigned to work by the distribution commission and to accept the solution, in necessary and justified cases, to implement the process of redistribution or self-employment;
  • Employers (consumers) are informed about graduates (in the field of education by regions, specializations) through mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio-television, electronic communication, website) publication of information;
  • Providing information about the real needs of personnel and the results of the distribution of graduates to the final job to the special commission of the relevant ministry (department) and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
  • Ensuring the participation of the higher educational institution in republican, regional and international exhibitions and fairs in order to demonstrate the capabilities and advantages of graduates in undergraduate courses and master's specialties.
  • Applying to the commission of higher education institution to consider the applications received from the young specialists assigned to work by the distribution commission and to accept the solution, in necessary and justified cases, to implement the process of redistribution or self-employment;
  •  Conclusion of long-term and annual contracts for providing consumers with competitive specialists;
  • When assigning a graduate to a job, to ensure that the recommendations and suggestions of consumers and specialty departments about the young specialist are taken into account based on the current situation;
  • Conclusion of various contracts with students receiving education or production enterprises on the basis of a payment contract;
  • Applying to the commission of higher education institution to consider the applications received from the young specialists assigned to work by the distribution commission and to accept the solution, in necessary and justified cases, to implement the process of redistribution or self-employment;



On May 17, 2024, at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, as part of the traditional festival “Student Spring - 2024”, a job fair “Career Day” was held.​

At the job fair, the university's main customer organizations provided information about their participation and organization of more than 4,000 vacancies through exhibits and handouts.

The opening ceremony of the labor fair was attended by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Poverty Employment and Poverty Reduction of Republic of Uzbekistan and representatives of partner organizations, university management and graduate students.


According to the “Regulation on the procedure for targeted training of personnel on the basis of state grants”, which was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the number 1506 of August 6, 2005, the event “Alumni fair” for graduates of the academic year 2023-2024 was held at the high level. At this event, the rector of UzSWLU I.Tukhtasinov, representatives of the leadership of the university, representatives of organizations and graduate students took part.

Video: t.me/UzSWLU/13146

In accordance with the "Regulation on the procedure for targeted training of personnel on the basis of a state grant”, which was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.1506 of August 6, 2005, the Uzbekistan State World Languages University held a career day labor fair on March 29, 2024, involving employers in order to ensure employment of graduates in related fields, Representatives of the poverty reduction and Employment Department under the Tashkent City Uchtepa District Municipality, “Teach for Uzbekistan”, “Zuma pharm”, “Artel” company, Foreign Affairs migration, Tashkent City Uchtepa District neighborhood activists organized by the department at the Tashkent State World Languages University have reached the signing of relevant contracts for the work of more than 50 students at the “labor fair”.




  • Bo'lim boshlig'i: Odilov Baxodir Baxtiyarovich              Tel: (90) 788 - 03 - 30 
  • Bosh mutaxassis: Qaramanov Obid Xudayberdiyevich   Tel: (99) 755 - 06 - 44
  • Bosh mutaxassis: Utekov Bekzod Marat o'g'li                 Tel: (90) 654 - 68 - 26
  • Bosh mutaxassis: Ramazonov Ulug'bek Homid o'g'li      Tel: (99) 334 - 70 - 06 
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