A creative meeting was organized today at the Uzbekistan State World Languages University ​​with Otabek Mahkamov, a journalist, lawyer, blogger with millions of followers on social networks, famous actor and motivator.

At the beginning of the meeting, the presentation of Otabek Mahkamov's book entitled "100 non-coincidence meetings to the top" was held. The author presented the book "100 non-accidental meetings to the top" to the library of UzSWLU and the Faculty of International Journalism, which is the organizer of the event.

Following the presentation, students asked the guest questions and received answers. The author of the best question won a guest's book as a gift.

At the end of the meeting, Otabek Mahkamov was awarded with a letter of Gratitude and a set of books by the rector of UzSWLU, Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov.

2024-01-17 03-08

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