2024-04-30 09-09
On April 25, the 9th meeting of the Council of the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan was held.
At the beginning of the program, the Chairman of the Council, Rector Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov introduced the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Decrees, Decisions, Orders of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Board decisions and orders of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, tasks performed by the university. and gave a speech about the state of working with the appeals of individuals and legal entities.
Then the spiritual-educational and legal promotion work carried out in the university by other responsible representatives participating in the Council, the quality of education in the faculties, work with the appeals of natural and legal entities of UzSWLU, control and monitoring activities , a report was given on the educational, scientific and methodical use of departments.
According to tradition, at the end of the Council, the teachers of UzSWLU who received degrees and titles were awarded with a special gift - a laptop.