
Tokhtasinov Ilhomjon Madaminovich was appointed the rector of the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan, and in connection with this, he was released from the post of the rector of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

I.M. Tokhtasinov was born in 1980, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

I. Tokhtasinov's total scientific and methodical works amount to 138, 10 textbooks, 6 monographs, 84 educational and methodological manuals were published under his authorship, and 19 patents and certificates were obtained. 9 articles were published in journals of international scientific and technical bases, the "Hirsh index" is 19. He also translated and published 18 famous works and novels in the Uzbek language into English.

Under the leadership of I. Tokhtasinov, 7 professors, 9 doctors of science (DSc), 25 associate professors, and 48 doctors of philosophy (PhD) received scientific degrees in the last 2 years. At the same time, under his guidance, 12 people successfully defended their doctor of philosophy (PhD) and 2 doctors of science (DSc) degrees.

Under the leadership of Ilhomjon Madaminovich Tokhtasinov, the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages received the status of "reporter" in the World University Rankings - 2023 international rating among the 28 HEIs of the Republic.

At the initiative of I. Tukhtasinov, cooperation agreements were signed with 89 leading foreign higher education institutions in international relations, and 74 foreign specialists were involved in the last 2 years.

2023-09-09 06-55

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