The Register Office department (hereinafter referred to as the department), which is the main structural unit of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University (UzSWLU), provides all students' information during their education, is engaged in registering academic achievements, managing information about faculties and departments, staff and teaching staff, student contingent and their movement, forming information, and optimizing the decision-making process. It is directly subordinate to the vice-rector for academic affairs.


The department started its activity from May 1, 2024. Office registrar services department consists of 1 chief specialist and 4 leading specialists.


The chief specialist of the department is Sulaymanov Murotkhan Makhamadhojaevich

Leading experts

1. Sharipov Davlatjon

2. Suyunov Yodgor

3. Minosiddinova Madinabonu

4. Abdullayeva Dilobar


In its activities, the department follows the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", decisions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers decisions, orders of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, local documents of the university and the Regulations of the department.


2. Functional tasks and services of the department

2.1. The main tasks of the department are:

- automation of educational, scientific, managerial and financial processes in the higher education system;

- continuous control over the correct execution of personal documents of students, rating statements and other similar documents in the dean's office;

- formation of analytical data and control over the optimization of the decision-making process;

- management of information on educational programs and plans, schedules of classes and exams, student training and attendance;

- management of the distance education platform, control over the use of the platform by teachers and students;

- input of information related to the HEMIS information system, and system management.

2.2. To fulfill its tasks, the department performs the following functions:

- providing recommendations to teachers and students on the use of the distance education platform;

- study, analyze and develop distance education platforms used in foreign universities;

- give recommendations on conducting practical and lecture classes by the relevant departments of the university for the purpose of a more effective, systematic and networked organization of educational activities at the university;


2.3. The department provides the following services:

- obtaining a certificate of education;

- obtaining a diploma (duplicate);

- obtaining a transcript;

- obtaining information about transferring studies;

- obtaining information about academic leave;

- obtaining information about completing a course;

- obtaining information about resuming studies;

- sending a request to change personal data;

- obtaining information about the career center;

- obtaining information about the internal regulations of the university;

- obtaining information about available courses and centers at the university;

- obtaining information about the student dormitory;

- sending complaints and suggestions;

- obtaining information about faculties;

- obtaining information about educational programs;

- obtaining information about transferring from one group to another;

- obtaining information about academic mobility programs;

- supporting students in academic matters;

- registration by subject;

- appealing exams;

- sending information about failure to appear for exams;

- obtaining student cards;

- obtaining information about the schedule of annual exams;

- get information about the class schedule;

- get information about the final exam schedule;

- get information about the assessment results (about the results and process of the exam, term paper);

- get information about scholarships;

- get information about scientific conferences;

- get information about certificates;

- get information about academic grants.


3. Rights and Responsibilities of the Department

3.1. The Department has the following rights when performing its functions:

- request from the faculty and specialized departments information and documents necessary to fulfill the department's obligations;

- make proposals to the university management on improving the organizational and material-technical base when fulfilling the department's duties.

3.2. The Department has the following obligations:

- Manage information on the structure of higher education institutions, faculties and departments, staff and faculty, student body and their movement, generation of information;

- control of the timely entry and updating of information in the HEMIS information system by the relevant departments;

- control of the placement of relevant content on the distance education platform by departments and teachers and the quality of the educational process.



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