On December 6, 2024, the Department of theoretical aspects of the English language №3 of UzSWLU   with the participation of associate professor, Phd, Erdanova, senior teacher Mamatkulova of the department and teachers of the Department Khujaniyozova, Rashidova, Sultanova, Rakhmatova, and Khairullayeva, students of the Faculty of English No. 3, a round table discussion was held on “December 9-International Day Against Corruption”. 



We must unite in the fight against corruption in order to ensure the development of the world and peace and security! Corruption is the most dangerous crime that can derail the socio-economic development of each society. There is no country, any territory or society where it is immune to corruption. The fight against corruption remains one of the most pressing issues of today on a global scale. The fight against this vile covers many countries of the world. The Republic of Uzbekistan has also contributed to the fight against corruption.

Currently, within the framework of the fight against corruption in our republic, a number of programs have been adopted and comprehensive work has been carried out on them. Current thoughts like this were mentioned at the round table.



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