On February 10, the Uzbek State University of World Languages hosted a meeting with the leaders of the "Interforum" organization under the Presidential Administration – Konstantin Galota and Nozima Asqarova.

The discussion focused on training simultaneous interpreters for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in UN languages, as well as in German and Turkish.

UzSWLU Rector I. Tukhtasinov provided detailed information about the university’s activities in interpreter training and expressed readiness for close cooperation with the "Interforum" organization.

During the discussions, agreements were reached on the following matters:

 Establishing a system for training simultaneous interpreters in UN and other foreign languages;
 Organizing special courses and seminars for students of the Faculty of Translation Studies;
Providing students with internship opportunities at international conferences and summits;
 Engaging foreign higher education institutions and experts in the process.

Both sides emphasized the need to fully utilize all available resources to implement this initiative. An agreement was reached to conduct further discussions with the Faculty of Translation Studies leadership on course curricula, training programs, as well as organizational and financial aspects.

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