"Marketing and Student Practice" Department Engages with High School Graduates

On June 1, the "Marketing and Student Internship" department of Uzbekistan State World Languages University (UzSWLU) organized a meeting with graduates from schools 101, 162, 184, and 178, located in Chilonzor district, Tashkent.

Meeting Highlights:
University Overview: B. Odilov, the head of the "Marketing and Student Practice" department, provided an overview of UzSWLU, noting that the university hosts 22,415 students and is staffed by over 1,000 professors.Internship Programs: There was an in-depth discussion about the university's internship programs, dress code, and evaluation criteria for practicing students.
Feedback from Schools: The school directors shared their suggestions for improving the practice process. Key points included:Enhancing the aesthetic culture and manners of students.Transitioning the practice system to an electronic format.

2024-06-04 04-04

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