On October 20, at the Uzbekistan State World University, a festive event was held under the motto"Boqiysan, Iftikhorimsan, ona tilim! (You are eternal, you are my pride, my mother tongue!)" dedicated to the 34th anniversary of the granting of the status of the state language to the Uzbek language.

At the beginning of the event, the rector of the university, Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov, encouraged students to study and research in order to contribute to the development of our language, to preserve the purity of our language while learning foreign languages.

At the event the honored cultural staff of Uzbekistan, playwright Erkin Khushvaktov, poet and journalist Oktam Mirzayorov, famous sports commentator Mirzahakim Tokhtamirzayev, foreign teachers and students attended.

The participants gave speeches about the unique turning points in the development of our native language, writers who served for the development of our language.

At the end of the event, the winners of the contest of essays and video clips published in connection with the 34th anniversary of the status of the Uzbek language as a state language were announced and souvenirs were handed over.

2023-10-20 03-52

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